For new members we’ve put together a range of resources to help people learn and develop their skills away from class.
We have a number of video tutorials for every piece in our repertoire that cover the parts played by each of the instruments, and a separate video of all the hand signals and cues that we use. There are also training videos for each instrument to help members improve their skills.
We also provide grid style notation and a percussion software, called MangoDrum, to which you can play along at your own speed.
Our video training resources
Here’s an example of a video tutorial for all the instruments for Samba Reggae, one of the pieces in our repertoire;
AgogoThe agogo sections in Samba Reggae
TamborimThe tamborim sections in Samba Reggae
ChocalhoThe chocalho sections in Samba Reggae
TimbaThe timba sections in Samba Reggae
RepiqueThe repique sections in Samba Reggae
CaixaThe caixa sections in Samba Reggae
SurdosThe surdo sections in Samba Reggae
Notation to help you learn
Here’s a snapshot of the grid style notation from the main section of Samba, another piece from our repertoire;